“They devoted themselves to the Apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, 
to the breaking of bread and to prayer.”—Acts 2:42

Ways That You Can Celebrate and Participate…

Practice fasting or some form of self denial. Here are a few possibilities:*

• Set aside quality time to spend in His Presence. You may do so privately or with other Believers.

• Practice some form of self-denial.

• Fast from solid food several days each week; or refrain from certain foods for the 40-day period.

• Limit or eliminate indulging in one or more of your usual pleasure practices (TV, your favorite hobby or sports.)

* Please note: If you plan to fast from foods, please consult/check with your physician first.

Prayer Agenda…

Set aside quality time to seek the Lord both privately and with other believers through personal prayer, Bible reading, or participation in prayer meetings*.

  • Pray for the Nations during this time of unrest, turmoil, godless activity, and turning their backs on God. Pray unceasingly that He will show Himself powerful, yet merciful as He promised in II Chronicles 7:14.

  • Pray for the Gospel to be preached in all Nations as He raises up intercessors to complete the task of witnessing. May He give you boldness to stand faithful in all He has purposed for you to do.

  • Pray continuously for one another, encouraging and lifting each other up as we labor to make Christ known to a dying world.

  • Pray for those who do not follow Christ. Pray that God would prepare and draw them to follow Him in sincere repentance.

  • Pray for God to pour out His Spirit afresh upon us and give us a passion for persistent, united prayer. Pray that He will restore our families, and draw people to Himself as He purifies our hearts afresh.

  • Pray for circles of friends, work groups in business, and families in homes, to come to know Jesus.

  • Pray for immediate relief (shelter, food and health care) for unhoused people, that Christ will restore hope for the future. Also, pray that they will receive wise council, trustworthy friendships, protection from life on the streets, employment, sustainable housing, and restored family life.